Opened folder with rightward/outward arrow which symbolizes business exit strategy. We’ll help you build and execute an exit plan

Realise The Value You've
Worked So Hard To Build

"Every exit is an entry somewhere else"

Our superstar FDs & CFOs can work part-time – remotely or at your premises – to help you increase cash, profit, and valuation, freeing you from the burden of day-to-day operations.

Exit planning is just one of the 12 building blocks of a world class finance function.

We’ll help you build and execute an exit plan that will maximise your sale price. Here are seven pointers for starters:
  1. Defining what you really want

    Many business owners simply don’t know what they really want or need from an exit. A cash sum? A plan for what to do afterwards? The clearer you can be about your exit goals, the more likely you will be to achieve them.

  2. Deciding the type of exit

    What’s going to work best for you? A sale to your management team or to a private buyer? Maybe merge with another business to create a new entity? Acquisition by an existing business; do an IPO (Initial Public Offering) or perhaps liquidate? We’ll make sense of the options.

  3. Preparing for exit

    The earlier you can start preparing for your exit the better. In fact, even if you are not ready yet, the time to start your preparations is now.

  4. Making the business saleable

    You should sell exactly the kind of business you’d want to buy. That means making documented processes, polished accounts and clearly presented management information available to interested parties.

  5. Making yourself redundant

    Your business should be able to run without you. If it can be run and scaled without your input, it will be eminently more attractive to potential buyers and you’ll be able to make a smoother exit.

  6. Maximising your valuation

    The basic exit formula is simple: valuation = profit x multiple Many businesses looking to exit focus purely on increasing the profit component. We’ll help you ratchet up your multiple as well, extracting the highest possible return from your exit.

  7. Finding a buyer

    Market your business – no buyer, no exit. We can help: with a global network of 750 FDs/CFOs, and having sold over 4,000 businesses (to date), we’ll maximise your chances of selling to the right buyer for the best possible sale price.

It's not just about exit planning...

To scale fast, increase valuation and escape the routine of day-to-day operations you need to consider each of the 12 building blocks of a world class finance function. These include...

What next?

Let us take ownership of your finance function so you can spend your time doing what you really want to do...

Tell us what you really want for your business and life and let's discuss the plan to actually make it happen.

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