Daniel Mojica, Vertiport Chicago

Speakers: Daniel Mojica, Executive Director , Vertiport Chicago

What would you like to say to your CFO?
Daniel Mojica: I just want to say a big thank you to Mark Dingmann, our CFO for an outstanding job in coming and helping our company move forward, especially through this pandemic, has done a terrific job of communicating interest, very high quality work.

What one or two big issues/untapped opportunities were you facing before we started working with you?
Daniel Mojica: Upon onboarding our new virtual CFO, one of the biggest issues for our entity was that there was a lot of change management, a lot of new staff, however, Mark Dingmann was able to ask the adequate questions, was able to identify the blind spots things we weren’t even considering, fast track the ability for us to adapt and pivot and remain in business, especially during difficult times in the pandemic.

What have been the benefits to the business specifically?
Daniel Mojica: The benefits that we’re receiving by engaging with the virtual CFO Center, specifically is flexibility. In our case, Mr Mark Dingmann, who, even when folks are on holidays or specific busy seasons, Mark has always been attentive to his emails very responsive, whether it’s late nights, weekends, in a small business that’s how we have to operate and he certainly is able to adapt. Our experience with the CFO Center is unmatched than any other entity that we’ve tried.

What have the benefits been to you personally?
Daniel Mojica: I personally also have acknowledged and realized personal benefits, to using the CFO Center. I have the ability to just take weight off my back, knowing I have a trusted professional who gives it to me straight, communicating in a timely manner and provides reports we did not already do. It’s just allows me to focus on the big picture items as the Executive Director of our company.

What would you say to other business owners considering taking on a part-time CFO?
Daniel Mojica: Some advice that I would give any other business owner interested or considering a virtual CFO / part time CFO service is to be very vulnerable in the sense of explaining where the company is, where the company wants to be and what are the current gaps within your financial infrastructure Because should you stumble upon, the CFO Center will identify that you don’t only just get the CFO Center you will also receive a relationship that come with the CFOs, which in turn can help the bottom line by connecting with like folks.