The World’s Leading Provider of Part-Time CFO Services'

No recruitment fees | No long-term contract | Start in 48-hours

  • Speak with a CFO

    Considering a part-time CFO but have some questions?

    Fill in the form and an experienced CFO will reply within 24-hours to answer all your questions. And help you decide if a part-time CFO is right for your business, so you can move forward with confidence and clarity. (A $300 value. No cost to you.)

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Yes, you can afford to “leverage the skills” of a seasoned CFO, part-time.

“The return on investment that the CFO Centre has created is 10 fold.
We are looking to many more years with the CFO Centre as we continue to grow and succeed.”

21 years ago, The CFO Centre pioneered the part-time CFO model, so that you can hire a highly accomplished CFO affordably (either remotely or at your office). Not only do you get access to your strategic CFO, you can tap into the knowledge of our 780+ CFOs globally. This means that whatever your problem or aspiration, we’ve been there and done it.

The CFO Centre is the number 1 provider of part-time CFOs in New Zealand and globally. Our expertise covers business growth, expansion into overseas markets, profit and cash flow improvement, exit planning, reporting, systems and access to funding to name a few.

How we’ve helped 1000’s of Owners and Management since 2001

"A huge weight lifted from my shoulders..."

“The first few weeks with our part-time CFO were a breath of fresh air for myself. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

Our CFO’s international experience in our sector immediately gave the entire management a lot of peace of mind. He was operational from day 2 and very quickly part of the team.

I am immensely grateful to him for all he has accomplished in a short period of time.”

Laurence Carels, Founder CDM Stravitec

Improve Reporting : Improve Performance

“Before our part-time CFO came along, we needed to get a better handle on our reporting, improve our systems, and team management. We were not able to see what the actual monthly profits were as we didn’t have the ability to calculate the work in progress, and most of our purchases were expensed in the month incurred, so we would only get a true profit at the end of the year.”

“Our part-time CFO has benefited us as a business in every facet. We now conduct monthly meetings, closely monitoring our KPIs, WIP, and P&L to make sure that we are hitting our targets… Personally, I have more confidence to lead my team in a productive way by laying down firm boundaries so the team knows how to respond to any situation.”

Tony Williams - Owner, Williams Designer Homes

Scaling Up

“As a smaller business we could not afford a full-time CFO but needed this skill set inside our business to grow. We needed someone with the financial experience that could overlook what we were doing and keep us on track so we could focus on building our business.

We got more than we were expecting with The CFO Centre. Not only did I get valuable insight into the financial side of our business, but I also had someone to constantly discuss and reevaluate the strategic direction we were moving in.

Sometimes you just need someone that has your interests at heart to listen to your ideas as you sound your way through them. The more we worked together the more I found value in having someone that was not as emotionally invested in the business able to give independent advice from an outward-looking perspective.”

Andrew McLaren-Taylor - Managing Director, Bathroom Butler

8 Billion Funding Raised – We speak ‘Banker’

Bankers reject far more commercial applications than they approve. Engaging a CFO will dramatically increase your odds of securing funding, faster and on better terms, because CFOs are highly experienced (forward looking) accountants who bankers trust to build realistic forecasts and projections.

“Our part-time CFO has provided new insights to us not only on how to manage the bank accounts but a holistic and forward-looking view on the company’s financial performance.

This has led to increased awareness and improvement on key performance indicators such as profitability ratios, working capital days to name a few. Our CFO also actively supports us to establish additional banking relationships to provide additional sources of funds with less collateral to support further growth.”

Francis Leung - Owner, Enterprise Ltd.

Increased Profit Margins

“When you understand and apply EBITDA, you can project your company’s long-term profitability, gauge its ability to repay future financing and uncover its value. The amount we increased EBITDA margin % from 2019 to 2020, as a result of increased focus on CFO-driven initiatives, ultimately resulting in a successful strategic sale of the business..

Engaging our CFO at Board-level helped us focus on improving the health of the business as our revenue mix transitioned over time, and helped drive a successful outcome in a strategic acquisition of Genesis in Q2’2021.”

Vince Costanza, Owner Genesis Connected Solutions

Increase Cash-Flow Reduce Stress and Strain

“When Phil [our part-time CFO] came on board he helped us tighten up our systems and controls so that we have a more robust finance function. Maintaining positive cash flow so we could pay our people and suppliers on time was an issue for us. It was causing me some sleepless nights worrying about how we were going to juggle everything.

Our part-time CFO has hugely reduced the stress and strain in the business.”

Alistair Murray, Owner Relocation Support Services

Recovering From Challenges & Setbacks

“Our part-time CFO helped us to identify our shortcomings and worked with us to implement changes to deliver robust processes allowing us to recover from challenging times. We now have a systematic understanding of our financial position and as a consequence, we are in a stronger position to continue to grow both revenue and profit. I now get to sleep at night, I can see the way forward and I am much more confident in securing my and my family’s long-term future.

It is difficult to imagine how we would have found a safe haven without you.

There was no rhythm or rigor to our financial reporting which placed the business at risk because of our lack of real understanding of the numbers. We didn’t really comprehend the depth of the challenge we faced until David starting working with us.”

Peter Jackson, Owner Rede2

Exits, Succession Planning Mergers & Acquisitions

“I have been wanting to retire for many years but wasn’t sure how to prepare the business for sale and ensure that it was in the best possible shape for potential buyers. Jim joined us as part-time CFO 4 years before the sale and has a huge amount of experience working with a variety of small to medium-sized businesses. He seemed to have previously faced almost every imaginable situation that came our way, good and bad, with an always calm demeanor and was able to act as both guide and mentor.

He helped us with the acquisition of another business to help us diversify our product offering and then more recently led us through the exit planning process leading up to the successful sale of the business enabling me (Julie) to retire.”

Julie Cook, owner (retired), Acacia Learning

Helping owners get their life back

“Taking on a part-time CFO was in part to help grow the business and get it to the next level and in part about freeing me up to choose how I would spend my time. Which ironically, I like to spend on my business, developing my people!”

“Mitch, our part-time CFO, plays a major role in the business running the company finances, but in reality, his role is much more all-encompassing. Mitch has been there and done it and just ‘gets business’. I have always felt that Mitch has my back and is fully embedded in the business, clear on the direction we are headed in, and fully committed to helping us get there. He’s very responsive, always there when I need him and he supports me as well as the rest of the team. He takes ‘ownership’ of the financial operations and frees me up to work on the projects I want to work on. He has helped me build a successful business that gives me freedom to choose how I spend my time.

Jonathan Quinn, Owner Geckota Watches

Considering a part-time CFO but still have questions?

Book a 30-60 min. conversation with one of our seasoned CFOs.
No Obligations.

You’re busy and under pressure running your business.

The fastest way to know if a part-time CFO is a good fit for where you are in business is to have a conversation.

Within 30-60 minutes of speaking with a seasoned CFO who’s successfully led companies through the ups and downs of every financial issue you can possibly imagine (and some you’ve never dreamt of) you’ll know if a part-time CFO is a good fit for your company. Or, if an accountant is more appropriate for you, our CFO will be happy to make recommendations.

Fill-in the contact form and our team will be in touch to set up a meeting with a highly experienced, professional CFO near you. We will respond within 24-hours to set-up a time for your complementary, no pressure, no obligation conversation. Meet with a CFO who will answer all your questions.

Rated ‘Excellent’ by 91% of Clients

Our service is rated ‘excellent’ by 91% of our clients which means you can trust us to deliver an exceptional service. We are here to help you get what you really want from your business and from your life as an entrepreneur.

Get the clarity & confidence you need to grow.
Speak with a CFO to discuss the numbers that really matter to you.

Speak to a CFO

100% private and confidential. Your information will never be rented or sold.