
“This is probably the happiest I have ever been for a number of reasons.”

Zara Merricks, portfolio FD at the FD Centre
(part of The CFO Centre Group)

Zara works as a portfolio FD for between five and 10 clients at a time. She works for the FD Centre, the largest provider of part-time FDs in the UK and is delighted to see the rapid difference she makes to companies she works with. Since joining the FD Centre over two years ago, Zara is enjoying the opportunities that have come her way.

Although Zara’s keen to tell us that it’s the best career move she’s ever made, she’s also honest about the need to become extremely organised.

“I recently started doing virtual FD work as well as well as portfolio work. I might spend a day a month in a client’s office and the rest of the time working from home. The virtual FD work I plan six months in advance and the portfolio work I plan six weeks in advance. So, you do have to have time management skills.

Working with five clients at the same time, it can be a little challenging deciding who takes precedence. But that’s a minor downside.”

And apart from feeling like she’s making a difference… what are the other reasons for Zara’s happiness?

The flexibility of course. Being in control of her diary, not missing out on ‘the important things in life’ and making adjustments to support her own well being.

Surely, that’s worth getting organised for, isn’t it?

If you’d like to chat to us, we’d love to hear from you –

Schakel een parttime CFO in

Onze zeer vakkundige CFOs helpen ambitieuze ondernemers om sneller op te schalen, de waarde te verhogen, uit de dagelijkse sleur te stappen en de ambities in hun leven waar te maken.