
“Joining such a knowledgeable team of professionals made the transition from corporate life so much easier for me.”

Jim Laslett joined the FD Centre in 2015 and has enjoyed the diversity that his new role brings.
(part of The CFO Centre Group)

After a chance meeting at a Christmas lunch in 2014, Jim decided to explore the opportunity of working with the FD Centre and later joined. Jim’s previous experience in retail and manufacturing has enabled him to look after a number clients from very varying industries – from an electrical wholesaler to a supplier of specialist products to fruit farmers, to a provider of care equipment to homes and hospitals.

He certainly enjoys the variety of portfolio working. And there’s peace of mind knowing that if there’s something he needs additional guidance on, he can always count on his team of colleagues, nationally and internationally, to provide specific industry knowledge. The team is so powerful.

“I get such job satisfaction from helping entrepreneurs reach their business goals. I’m so passionate about working with my clients that I could easily spend double the hours I’m contracted to work with them. The skill comes in prioritising, managing expectations and enabling the team, and I’m always available to discuss their progress if they need me.”

And with a rapidly increasing number of colleagues across 16 countries, it’s great to know that many others are also choosing the same lifestyle.

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