
“I value the security that being a part-time FD with half a dozen clients brings”

Michael Citroen, portfolio FD at the FD Centre in the Thames Valley
(part of The CFO Centre Group)

Michael Citroen is 59 years old and a 14-year veteran of the part-time portfolio job world. The former Group Finance Director of a large privately-owned company relishes the challenge and excitement of working with SMEs in his role as a part-time FD.

“The FD Centre is very focused on helping its part-time FDs to win new clients”, Michael says. “I could never have done as well as I have if I’d had to do it on my own as I had no idea about marketing when I first began.”

Like many people starting out on the part-time path, Michael had initially been worried about giving up a salary with all the perks. “To begin with, I felt a little insecure giving up a regular job, but the role was becoming increasingly political and I wanted to take back control.”

He quickly discovered that the financial return you get from this way of working is dependent on the amount of energy you’re willing to expend and the number of clients you take on.

He realised early on that the new lifestyle would enable him to spend more time with family whilst maintaining a good level of income.

Surely, if Michael’s still buzzing about this way of working after 14 years, it’s worth finding out a bit more about it. Isn’t it?

If you’d like an exploratory chat about portfolio working, we’d love to hear from you –

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