
“I have far more flexibility with my time and a better work-life balance.”

Kate Wright, portfolio FD at the FD Centre
(part of The CFO Centre Group)

Kate Wright, previously worked as Head of Finance and Operations for a NASDAQ-listed company, but moved to a more flexible role as a portfolio FD, later-on joining the FD Centre, the largest provider of part-time FDs in the UK.

She was wanted to leave the corporate world, to work with Entrepreneurs and was willing to take a pay cut to do so.  However, she’s been pleasantly surprised with the remuneration.

“Although part-time FDs aren’t eligible for bonuses or equity, they are well-paid for the work they do.”

The benefits far outweigh the negatives as Kate carefully structures her time.

“You do have to be very organised and very focused. I quite often spend half a day with one company and half a day with another. It’s very important to make every client feel as if they are the most important.”

Being a part-time FD enables Kate to earn well whilst maintaining control over her diary.

“It’s a long way towards the holy grail of work life balance. I feel it’s the future.”

We think so too.

If you’d like to find out more, we’d love to hear from you –

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Onze zeer vakkundige CFOs helpen ambitieuze ondernemers om sneller op te schalen, de waarde te verhogen, uit de dagelijkse sleur te stappen en de ambities in hun leven waar te maken.