
GDPR Action Plan: 6 months to go!

a lock which has been through a bolt and is locked up

Like most of us you have probably been bombarded by emails and offers about GDPR. But the material you receive is rarely any real use.

So our colleagues at Freeman Clarke have produced a GDPR Board Action Plan which is a simple step-by-step guide of how to approach the issue. One of the benefits of working with The FD Centre is that we are part of the Liberti Group. As a whole the group provides part-time Directors in IT, Marketing, Finance, and Legal, meaning you have access to a wide range of expertise for which you may not have an internal resource.

We want to help all of our combined clients…from employment agencies who have stacks of very personal data, including huge numbers of CVs, photos, and official document scans; to distributors who have far less demanding issues, but still need to put some new safeguards and processes in place. In all cases, GDPR will completely overhaul how ALL businesses process and handle data. Therefore Freeman Clarke’s GDPR Board Action Plan Provides Six Key Phases to approach GDPR.

Follow the link to access the Action Plan from an IT perspective:

Freeman Clarke GDPR Board Action Plan

For further advice and to find out how a part-time IT Director can transform your business visit or call 0203 020 1864

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