Founder and Chairman of The FD Centre, The CFO Centre Group and The Liberti Group of Companies, with over 20 years of Financial Director and CFO experience in UK, USA and European businesses. A member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and Institute prize winner, with an MBA from Henley.

Punti Salienti Relativi Alla Carriera

  • Founded the FD Centre in the UK in 2001
  • After four years of developing the idea and building the basis of the business model, launched the first website in 2005
  • Started rapid expansion of the UK business, attracting clients and new principals through 2005 - 2008
  • From 2009 onwards started international expansion through CFO brand
  • From 2011 started introducing what we now call Liberti brands
  • From 2015 to present day Globalising the FD Centre, CFO Centre and Liberti brands.
  • 2021 sees amalgamation of FD and CFO Centre brands and launch of "The Numbers that Really Matter"

Esperienza Settoriale

  • banking-financial-services
  • property-real-estate
  • manufacturing-transport-logistics
  • retail-consumer-products
  • services

E ora?

La nostra mission è permettere a imprenditori ambiziosi di realizzare le proprie ambizioni di vita. Prenota una chiamata per maggiori informazioni e per valutare il servizio. Il primo passo è quello di condividere con noi le tue sfide e aspirazioni personali e imprenditoriali: bastano solo 30 secondi...

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