Thomas Bond In 60 Seconds...

Thomas has over 40 years of financial and operational experience partnering with entrepreneurial businesses to build and deliver the operational and financial infrastructure to support double-digit revenue growth. His core strengths include designing and implementing best-in-class financial reporting systems, delivering innovative and realistic financial plans, and operational goals and strategies.

Specialist Skills


Track Record Highlights

  • Thomas’s experience has primarily been with Canadian private companies that were smaller start- ups that grew either through acquisition or organically, operating internationally.
  • Industry experience includes construction and retail, wholesale and manufacturing, primarily in the CPG space.
  • Held senior financial and operating positions at MAC Cosmetics, Cover FX Skin Care, The Tridel Group and McCarthy/Beatties.
  • Has or currently holds positions on a number of Boards of Directors of various corporations.

Sector Experience

  • retail-consumer-products

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