Learning is an important part of business. If a quick read provides you with even one tip to increase your profit, give you more confidence or help you sleep better at night, it would be worth the time, wouldn’t it? Check out our top 10 blogs of 2022 written by our experienced CFO team. There’s no surprise that lots of them are about improving profit!
Critical Factors For Improving Profitability
It is vital that business owners and managers understand the 2 drivers of profit, as well as the connection between profitability and cash flow.
What Does a CFO Actually Do?
Often, we get asked: What does a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) actually do? If the term “part-time CFO” is as alien to you as “UFO”, here’s what we do, in a nutshell.
Profit Improvement Through Expenses and Supply Chain Management
There are two types of expenses, fixed and variable. Careful and regular monitoring should be in place for all businesses.
7 Keys To Profitable Growth
Planning for growth is something every business owner will say they do. However, not all business owners will do this effectively and with a plan that will generate profitable growth.
How to Resolve Your Cash Flow Problems
Managing cash flow is critical to the success of any business. Get it right, and shareholders, creditors, and employees are happy. Get it wrong, and the company could end up on the ropes.
Understanding Your Cash Flow Position
If you are having cash flow issues, it is essential that you know the current position of your business finances. Be honest with yourself and make sure you know if or when your business needs help.
Adjust Your Business Levers to Increase Profit
With just a little additional focus on one or more of the 7 business levers, you can directly improve the cash-flow, profitability and/or value of your business.
What The Rolling Stones Can Teach You About Profit
The performers will say it’s because they love it and that they ‘don’t want to let the fans down.’ But there’s another hard-nosed reason to get their weary old bones back on the tour bus.
The Top 7 Advantages of a Part Time CFO
If you are an SME and want your company to achieve its goals quickly, you should consider hiring a part-time CFO. One of our clients recently said “it’s the best money I’ve ever spent”. Find out why.
Strategic Planning Checklist
A three-part checklist to help with your strategic planning.
Hire a superstar part-time CFO
To help you increase cash, profit and valuation and free you up from the burden of day-to-day operations.