The Challenge
One of the toughest challenges for owners of SMEs is to be able to stand back. To look at their business through a wide-angle lens and identify what it is they really have.
When you started your company, you almost certainly allowed yourself to dream. Every successful business operator needs ambition. But as we’ve seen, all too often those aspirations become bogged down in the everyday grind of keeping a business afloat.
Because quite often, the day-to-day distractions and diversions that inevitably surround the running of a successful business get in the way. This affects sensible, objective evaluation and strategic decision-making. Crucially, important opportunities can go at best un-exploited and at worst, un-noticed.
If this resonates with you, what can you do to change the status quo? Ultimately you need an extra pair of hands at a senior level to free up your time and allow you the time to dream.
The Solution
The key could be a CFO (Chief Financial Officer). Whether that is promoting from within, hiring a full timer for a large business, or using a part-time CFO making it affordable for SMEs.
A CFO can be that extra pair of hands to free up your time by ensuring the smooth running of the finance function. They will also being a senior sounding board, taking on some of your worries as well as:
- help decode your dream
- turn your dream into a plan
- be the one to hold you to account to make it happen.
Great CFOs are catalysts. They can help you break the pattern of linear growth and get you what you really want on an expedited timetable.
Your dream is achieved by developing a concise roadmap based on what you want to achieve. The role of the CFO is to help you identify and unlock that potential. Thus, freeing the dream and making it a reality.
Of course this is not to suggest that success comes easily. Business challenges are usually complicated and risky. That’s another reason why potential isn’t always realised.
If you’d like to learn more about how our part-time/as needed CFOs can help you unlock and realise the true potential in your business, please contact us
Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash
Hire a superstar part-time CFO
To help you increase cash, profit and valuation and free you up from the burden of day-to-day operations.