Greg Stokes In 60 Seconds

Greg Stokes is a dedicated professional who joined the CFO Centre NSW Australia in 2018. With an impressive track record spanning 30 years, Greg has garnered extensive expertise in establishing and overseeing four thriving SMEs. His unwavering commitment lies in assisting SME owner managers, utilizing his wealth of experience to empower them in achieving their goals.

As a CFO Principal at the CFO Centre, Greg relishes the chance to amalgamate and apply his profound financial accounting and SME management acumen. Through his strategic insights and skills, he consistently endeavors to optimize the financial well-being of his valued SME clients, enabling them to flourish and prosper in their respective ventures. Greg’s passion for helping SMEs flourish makes him an indispensable asset to the entrepreneurs he serves.

Specialist Skills

Strategic Thinker

Owner's personal and business strategies

Business Planning

Including budgeting & forecasting

Executive Coaching

Coaching and mentoring owner managers

Profit Improvement

Analysing and setting sales and profit targets

Management Information

Identifying KPIs and designing management reports

Track Record Highlights

  • Starting and managing four successful SMEs
  • CEO of a successful Australian SME Information Technology software company for 10 years
  • Negotiated and completed the sale of two SME companies and the merger of another two SME companies
  • Sales and Marketing Director of two SME companies, one of which gained some of the largest companies in Australia as clients, including Westpac, Commonwealth bank, AMP, GIO, FAI etc.
  • Responsible for the application and approval of an AFSL (Australian Financial Services Licence) for a funds management SME public company
  • Involved in the development, building and funding of a number of successful property development projects
  • Responsible for the design, development and sale of property portfolio management and accounting software.

Sector Experience

  • Property & Real Estate: Property development & property management
  • Construction: Home Building
  • Banking & Financial Services: Funds Management & Financial Planning
  • Technology, Media & Telecoms: Information Technology & Software
  • Healthcare Senior's Accommodation & Services
  • Retail & Consumer Products: Women's Fashion Ware
  • Services Education and related services

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