"De 24/7-beschikbaarheid van ‘onze’ CFO geeft heel wat gemoedsrust."

Plan mijn kennismaking van 30-60 minuten
Pascal Plovie - Managing Director of HVK – The Flemish Cross

Pascal Plovie, CEO

Uitgelicht: HVK – Het Vlaamse Kruis

CEO: Pascal Plovie

Het probleem

HVK has been a non-profit organisation with an extensive social function since 1927. The head office is located in Mechelen (Belgium). The association also has approximately 20 local branches in the Flemish Region and the German-speaking Community. In addition to around 30 employees, there are more than 1200 volunteers at work. They staff the emergency patient transport stations around the clock. The core activities:
• patient transport
• first aid training (private individuals and companies)
• event assistance (first aid stations)
• volunteer work
CEO Pascal Plovie was appointed by the Board of Directors in 2017 to professionalise and strategically expand the organisation.

De oplossing

Pascal Plovie wanted to shape his management to achieve the objectives he had set together with the Board of Directors. After an initial conversation between Coen vander Kley and Pascal, Wim Braeckman was proposed as part-time CFO. An important requirement: knowledge of the financial and legal aspects of running a large non-profit organisation. The collaboration started quickly after the interviews with Board of Directors members and the managing director. Wim started working as CFO one day a week. During the first months, the focus was on advanced debtor management, digitalisation of financial processes and the preparation and implementation of management reporting based on EMAsphere.

The numbers that realy matter 0

Cijfers zijn belangrijk. Maar niet alleen winst- en balanscijfers. We vroegen Pascal: "Wat is het cijfer dat voor jou echt belangrijk is?"

The non-profit organization aims for 0 or break-even. In addition to the professionalization of the almost hundred-year-old association, this is the ultimate goal. Together with the necessary resources to continue to invest in the staff, ambulances, parking spaces, IT systems, etc.

Een 'dank je wel' aan mijn CFO

"Wim kon al snel de vinger op de wonde leggen van cashmanagement, gebrekkige systemen en rapporteringen. Gebaseerd op 90 dagen plannen boekten we vlotjes vooruitgang. Wim werd ook een volwaardig lid van de directie. De 24/7-beschikbaarheid van ‘onze’ CFO geeft heel wat gemoedsrust." Pascal Plovie


Tell us what you really want for your business and life and let’s discuss the plan to make it a reality.”

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