Jatin Arora – Bombay Ammonia and Chemical Company

Speaker: Jatin Y Arora, CEO, Bombay Ammonia and Chemical Company

What would you like to say to your CFO?

Jatin Y Arora: I would like to tell my CFO thank you for your help. Thank you for listening to us and helping us with some some nice solutions and being patient with us. Thanks.

What problems were you facing before we started working with you?

Jatin Y Arora: Well, we didn’t have too much clarity on the MIS and financial reporting systems. Uh, we were not very clear about how to bill cost senders and how to do detailed costings or even comparative month on month sales analysis. Uh, our CFO has helped us to build that. And, uh, it’s, it’s given us a new direction. Thank you.

What have been the benefits to the business specifically?

Jatin Y Arora: So far the benefits have been that we’ve been able to assess our costs very well. We’ve been able to analyze our selling price and set the selling price on the basis of the cost. Uh, the sales bifurcation that they have given us for our various plants has helped us to target sales, make incremental investments, uh, and also monitor those the outputs of those investments. So, yes, it has been beneficial so far at this stage. Thank you.

How has our support benefitted you personally?

Jatin Y Arora: mm. It has helped personally, because as as the owner and as the MD you’re personally involved in understanding these various concepts which you’ve never heard of, not heard of, which you’ve never implemented on your own for so long. The CFO has taken a personal interest in interacting with the staff members, so they have also benefited personally from the systems implemented.