I would recommend Rajarshi and The CFO Centre, to every entrepreneur and business that struggles with growing pains.

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Mukesh Manik, CEO

Spotlight: EncycloMedia Networks

CEO: Mukesh Manik

The problem

Every entrepreneur has to wear multiple hats and juggle more balls that possible. Every once in a while, some balls are dropped, causing the business to derail and take the focus away, and deviate from the path.

The solution

Rajarshi took ownership of the challenges and solved them – rather than simply offer an opinion or external solution. Raj solved business challenges with ease and expertise, went beyond his responsibilities and created opportunities that have been invaluable in putting us on the path to success.
The numbers that realy matter 50

50% of my time is now free to focus on growing the business

There were lot of issues in the business and I wanted to free at least 50% of my time so that I can concentrate of getting business. Rajarshi helped to get to that.

A 'thank you' to my CFO

"Thank you Rajarshi for having my back and offering me your invaluable support. " Mukesh Manik

What do you really want from your business and life?

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