Gary Nicholls – Swiftclean (UK) Ltd

Speakers: Gary Nicholls, Managing Director, Swiftclean (UK) Ltd

What would you like to say to your CFO?

Gary Nicholls: I’d really like to thank David Newton, who’s been helping us for at least two years now, both commercially and financially, through The FD Centre. He’s been a real, great support to us.

What one or two big issues/untapped opportunities were you facing before you started working with us?

Gary Nicholls: David has helped us with all sorts of different commercial and financial issues since he’s been working with us. But there’s been two major instances that have occurred, that with David’s support, we’ve managed to save the business somewhere in the region of £40,000. I think, without David, it’s very unlikely that we would have achieved those savings.

What have been the benefits to your business – specifically?

Gary Nicholls: The specific benefits that we’ve achieved by having David working with us, is the fact that we’ve now got a highly qualified Financial Director. He’s also got in-depth commercial awareness.

What are you hoping to achieve over the coming 12-24 months with the support of your FD/CFO?

Gary Nicholls: Now that the country is starting to come out of the coronavirus pandemic, I really feel that we’re at the stage where we can start to grow our business rapidly, which was the original plan when I engaged with the F. The FD Centre. So we really want to see this happen over the next 12-24 months.